Black Library has just announced my upcoming novel Legion of the Damned on their ‘Coming Soon’ page. It is part of the successful 'Space Marine Battles' series. I’m very excited to be writing about Space Marines after my short stories The Long Games at Carcharias and The Iron Within. I decided to go in a slightly different direction with the novel. Rather than choose a ‘traditional’ Chapter to follow, I wanted to explore the Adeptus Astartes phenomenon known only as ‘The Legion of the Damned’ and their ghostly interventions on the blood-soaked battlefields of the 41st millennium. More details and cool internet art to follow.
Very excited to see what you do with this, sir. I love the Legion of the Damned.
I always hoped to have the Legion of the Damned feature in the third novel in my Black Templars Armageddon trilogy.
The image of a space marine, grey-skinned, blistered and nostril-tubed, filthy blackened armour daubed with symbols of fire and death, was burned into my 10 (possibly 11) year old brain 24 years ago from the pages of White Dwarf. I mean, the Bell of Lost Souls tolling a thousand times? How cool was that?? No pressure Mr Sanders...
Any updates on this? I need to know more!
"The Iron Within" was by far my favorite short story ever so I can't wait to see you try your hands at space marines again.
Will be buying. No pressure, no, none at all...
Mr Sanders. I have read though your book and one thing I wanted to know. Maybe I missed it but happened to the Apotheon? They make no mention in the prolog and no mention in the ending. I really enjoyed the book it was my first read in to 40k fiction
I am honored you choose my work for your blog, :D please let me know if you would like anything else. I'm a big fan of your work :D Legion of the Damned turned out great.
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