This was my first outing with Space Marines and I wanted to get them just right. I settled on an invented chapter - because of what I wanted to do to them – and also because I wanted greater control over their background. The Crimson Consuls have a distinct and detailed culture and history that emerges across the story and I tried to be bold in the way the narrative sweeps through an entire Chapter. I feel that you either get Space Marines right or wrong: they are, after all, Games Workshop’s poster boys. I was a little anxious in terms of writing about them: perhaps a little reticent at first. So far, I have chosen to explore the narrative viewpoints of ‘human’ characters in the Warhammer 40,000 universe: Imperial Guardsman and Inquisitors etc. The further I got into the planning and actual writing, the more I came to appreciate the narrative challenges and opportunities that the Adeptus Astartes offer. The story was well received by my editor and shortly after I was asked to write an Adeptus Astartes short story for the ‘Age of Darkness’ anthology, which forms part of the best-selling Horus Heresy series. Not too shabby!
Advance copies of ‘Victories of the Space Marines’ were available at Black Library Live 2011 and early feedback has been very good. The anthology is available to buy in April and can be bought in print or as an e-book. The short story can be bought on its own as an e-text also (see right hand bar). As well as The Long Games at Carcharias, ‘Victories of the Space Marines’ contains stories by the excellent Jonathan Green, James Swallow, Gav Thorpe, Chris Wraight, CL Werner, Ben Counter, Steve Parker and Black Library debutant Sarah Cawkwell (who is excellent too!).
I stopped reading Atlas Infernal halfway through so I could read The Long Games at Carcharias and I thought it was very well done. It's certainly a very tragic and well plotted story, probably second in terms of emotional impact only to Ben Counter's Galaxy in Flames.
Hey Mr Sanders, I’m a long time fan of your story and have been thinking about making an army of Primaris Crimson Consuls (the chapter reborn!) Do you have any details on their color scheme and chapter symbols? Do they look like the picture above and share a chapter icon with the Ultramarines? Thanks in advance and thanks for your stories!
(Sorry if this is a double post, I’m not sure if my post went through!) I’m a long time fan of this story and I’m thinking about doing an army of Primaris Crimson Consuls. Could you share any details you came up with about their iconography? Is the picture above what they look like, do they share a chapter icon with the Ultramarines? Thanks in advance and thanks for the awesome stories!
Hi Oldhammer,
Thanks for your comment and being a fan of the story. I enjoyed writing it. The story identifies the colour scheme as crimson and cream, but interpret that as you will. I didn't describe the chapter iconography in the tale but several Ultramarine Successors with 'Consuls' in the title have the heads of Imperial Eagles looking left on the shoulder pads. That would look like a good way to go. If I remember rightly, I think I mentioned the Crimson Consuls in passing in 'Atlas Infernal' and 'Sons of the Hydra'. Happy painting!
Thanks again,
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