Today is King’s insistence that writers should, “Remove every extraneous word” in their texts. He goes on to say, “You want to get up on a soapbox and preach? Fine. Get one and try your local park. You want to write for money? Get to the point.” I have a problem with this one because, yet again, King seems to be taking fiction writing the way of the screenplay. In screenplays the writer provides the skeletal structure of the narrative – the action and dialogue. Descriptions (and particularly ‘adjectives’) are frowned upon because it is considered someone else’s job in the movie industry to scout a location, choose the colour of a costume, audition an actor etc. There is little point putting that kind of descriptive detail into the script if the location that has been described – using “extraneous” words like adjectives – cannot be found. What would be the point of describing the physical characteristics of a character for which an actor has yet to be cast?
You cannot use this approach with fiction. To do so and to instruct others to do so is stripping-out fiction for parts. It is cutting down prose to its barest essentials. Why would fiction writers need to do this? Are there pressing demands on the time readers have to commit to texts? If that were the case then surely they wouldn’t read the texts at all. King ignores a crucial element in the dynamics of reading, and therefore writing, when he makes such a bold and unhelpful claim. Visualisation. The reader does not have a location scout, costume designer or casting director. They create a picture in their mind of the characters and action unfolding in the story as they read on a millisecond by millisecond basis. Without some “extraneous” words like adjectives, how are they supposed to create the rich fictional worlds in which they like to spend time?
Leaving a certain amount open to interpretation is still a very valuable part of the process, but stripping down language in the way King suggests can create problems for the reader and then the writer. Imagine a tree. What colour are the presents beneath it? Oh, you were thinking about a tree in a forest. Silly me, when I wrote down that word without the support of any other “extraneous” words I didn’t tell you that it was a ‘Christmas’ tree. I am still being economical with language - for instance, you are now imagining the tree in a living room, since that is where most people encounter Christmas trees – but I am using “extraneous” words. King even does this in his own rule by telling us to soapbox in a “local” park. He felt that without that “extraneous” word there might be room for confusion: a person standing in the middle of a national park, for instance, talking to themselves. According to King we would also have to do away with any kind of imagery. Metaphor, simile and personification would all be superfluous to requirement because King suggests that all writers need to “Get to the point”.
On the other hand, the use of one hundred adjectives to describe the tree is probably unhelpful also. There is a balance that needs to be struck – a balance that King seems to ignore in giving such brazen and uncompromising advice. King could, of course, claim that he has been misinterpreted. Perhaps he should have used more “extraneous” words to avoid the confusion that can arise from supplying the reader with too little information. Part of that balance is determined by the individual reader and their personal attention span in respect to the text they are reading. Some modern readers can cope with texts written hundreds of years ago, that seem far less concerned with King’s preoccupation with getting to the “point”or murdering adjectives. Others cannot cope - and probably never will cope if they never choose to extend themselves with such texts. It is too demanding and too complex for them to follow. The result of this is boredom and they move on in turn to something ‘easier’. The continuance of King’s approach leads to a decrease in literary competence among readers as they become conditioned to simpler, stripped out text. This cannot be a good thing. A writer’s skill resides in making these kind of choices. Marrying text as best they can to the myriad of different readers out there. King cannot take that choice away from the writer or the reader. Stephen King is an important writer. He is not, however, more important than the mechanics of the reading process.
King's talking about "most writers", I think. Not the great ones. You can't take Gormenghast and cut out all the unnecessary qualifiers and extraneous prose, because that's what most of it is, and it's beautiful because of it. But 99% of people aren't Peake. If they write like that, it'll be overblown, clunky and grotesque.
As a massive fan of Stephen King On Writing, I take his rules as a mandate to be followed "most of the time, by most writers". Everyone will break some of the rules, sure, but they're a solid baseline for the people that, essentially, aren't destined to be geniuses.
Cheers for the input: good to get a writer’s opposing view. Sorry if I’m ‘burning the Koran’ for you on this one, but King had to go down. : D If most writers follow the same rules most of the time, then it leads to an inevitable stifling of creativity. What about all the what might have beens? What about the writers who might have done something special under their own steam, but in the presence of concrete rules (like King’s) doubted themselves and played it safe. Without lists and rules, sure there will be some atrocious mistakes made but there will also be the works of genius to which you allude. On the other hand, I have advocated a post-structuralist position and, in turn, am bound by it: my perspective is not ‘fixed’ and is just as open to subversion as King’s, or your own. : )
I'm not sure King is actually setting out concrete rules. Sure, his use of certain words in the sentences you've used as examples are somewhat rhetorical, but perhaps he is setting these 'rules' out in a bullish-type way to encourage an adverse effect?
Less, make ones bed: lie in it.
More, make ones bed: sleep on the sofa.
Us humans are notably exceptional at being told to do something, and then doing quite the opposite. Perhaps there is a little of this at play?
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