Black Library Live! 2012... Bring It!

I am really excited about Black Library Live! 2012. For those who aren't aware, Black Library Live! is an annual event celebrating Black Library novels and their authors. It's in its fourth successful year and Black Library Live! 2012 takes place on Saturday 3rd March at Warhammer World in Nottingham. A range of Black Library authors, artists and editors will be in attendance - as indicated below. I'm looking forward to seeing the noble ranks of the Black Library loyal readership - who are always a joy to meet - and perhaps signing some books while I'm at it. I have several signing sessions during the day and will, of course, be jazzed to sign any of my novels, anthologies or limited releases. My two most recent books, my Space Marine Battles novel Legion of the Damned and the Horus Heresy novella anthology The Primarchs will both be available to buy months earlier than their print release date. You're welcome to bring them along and shoot the breeze while I scribble away.

I'm also fortunate enough to have been invited to sit on the panels of three different seminars during the day. These are indicated below and if you attend I'll try my best to answer questions and not ruin the Warhammer universes for you. I look forward to seeing you.

Black Library Live! 2012 Schedule


  1. Shall we sit on the Space Marines panel and communicate through the medium of mime? Or maybe balloon modelling.

  2. Perhaps we should use Adeptus Astartes battle sign language... Know any?

  3. I'll be bringing my copy of Atlas Infernal for you to sign. Hopefully my budget will stretch to a copy of The Primarchs as well as the rest of the stuff on my increasingly expensive 'wish-list'.

  4. My pen will be ready. Hey, thanks. I look forward to seeing you. : )
